Exactlythis issue goes both ways. they jump off as soon as they read that. I am waiting for the punch line of how much she needs from me. Other times I say Im a disabled person or a student or barista or whatever. I've Then, he was really busy being one of only two electrical technicians on the ship w/a crew of 27. Ive told them I have 9 children and changed my profile picture and still they keep on asking for my phone number, I got a female scammer yesterday.. Pic looked attractive (by design black crop top, low cut, blonde, mirror selfie- in case someone comes across her), but she started chatting. I told him upfront that I suspected he was a scammer and he said he was badly hurt at the accusation. Be skeptical: dont tell a stranger where you live, how old you are, what you do for a living, what music you like, what TV shows you watch. WebWords With Friends Scammer Chats. And they all have the same things in common as you stated. Hasnt asked for money yet but Im sure that will eventually come. I like to play along telling them all lies about myself, 1 guy said he was a Dr yet when I told him I was a paramedic he asked what that was and was I able to work from home during the pandemic. She has separate chats between her and Romeo and his son Jayden. The funniest was when I was asked if I was married. One guy blocked me right after that..The next one persisted, until I blocked him. From Norway. I wished that I wrote this before I blocked him so I could give his full WWF name. Big Deal!! Says to me. Go for it! such as life be careful our there, Hi there Ive had quite a few of these men just wanting a chat. I have encountered three US Army generals so far. She persuaded me to invest, which cost me around $8,000 and then I discovered this was a scam. FYI for Word with Friends 2 players, I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson. Guy is from a foreign country, the wife is dead, and his daughter needs help. I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson. He Gorgeous ( arent they all) They tried to scam me too but never asked for money. 59 And worst of all I was stupid and five phones were ordered on my phone acct. My theory is that they have had many games resigned on them. Watch out for a Daemon Luke Madein. Claimed to have found a bunch of money while he and his men were on patrol. I get these on a daily basis. Your wife died tragically and now you are a single dad. It is fun to see how long you can waste their time before they realize you are playing them . Both Derek and George wanted to go to google hangouts very quickly and professed their love very quickly. What actually made me suspicious is the English as if he is using a translator device. This is one reason why Owen and his ilk almost never use the first names of their intended victims, preferring my dear or honey or the like: they dont want to blow it and address Mary as Sally.. Be safe all! Relatives and i play. WebRule 11 fights scammers by requiring them to comment on your post before contacting you. Anyone had dealings with a Kelvin Johnson? Its sad and shameful. Not sure how long Im gonna string him along but it sure is cracking me up!! Anyone had any dealings with Michael Hansen, originally from Norway has lived in US for many years. Ive been playing with a scammer who calls himself Alex Normal. Dont know if reporting them had done any good. Come on now!! I was scammed on Boggle with Friends by Jeffs3007. Started chatting with all the normal stupid stuff, and then said that he was happily married before, but along the way my wife got blown up in a gas station fire with my daughter.. for awhile and caught on. Anthony Hoke & Van Vega. I have 13 guys that have hit me up to play WWF just this week. I KNOW! But no one has said how they get the game we are playing together to DISAPPEAR? Was wondering about setting up a fb page where everyone could share the names photos etc. I have reported him as a scammer. Beware if Hughes Robert and Gavin Eric especially Gavin Eric ( Gavin E). I also amuse myself by telling them all sorts of rubbish, one just sent me a pre written script about his tragic life (strange how this verse and chapter is all ready to go in seconds no one could type that fast !) Yes Davis was the one who asked me if I knew how to chat because I failed to respond to him after replying hello. The game timed out eventually. Hows that happen? The only game I play with friends n family all over the world!! Has anyone heard of this man yet? I have Mike Scott on wwf now. I would like to do this. I already know what they trying to do they are also asking people if they have hangout and they seem to be desperately wanting people to join hangout. I just posted I forgot to say the scammer I just dealt with was named Henry Lucas from Atlanta, who says hes an environmental engineer. I showed Mom how to block a player on WWF. I always do a reverse image search. He goes by name of Steven Looney so beware. In separate matches over a few weeks, not one, not two, but threedifferent opponents claimed to be widowed engineers working aboard ships on the high seas. He got mad when I wouldnt do it. How are you doing? He wants $132,000. I let them profess their love and make them think I am into them. So far, nobody has tried to scam the pup. . They all try to get personal information and their grammer is quite suspicious. They come up with some really good words in the game, but have trouble chatting with proper english, though they claim they are from the U.S. Barbara El-Gamal was playing a harmless I was weak and now I am a broken man. ScamsOnline.org is now ScammerPhotos.com Scammer Photo Galleries. Living a double life.. on my phone, so we can talk private. Does anybody know what this is about? there are others, but I just say no dont think I want to chat and they resign. And strange men are trying to friend me on Facebook based on Im a widow and I said I like flowers. He lives in Denver Co. His speech and choice of words didnt sound like good old USA slang. Maybe google account is not so secure and they can get banking info from it. She still speaks to them daily. I am at a loss for what to do. Even if, like my mother, youre a skilled WWF player who is running out of challenging opponents, if you dont know who the person on the other side of the screen is in real life, then dont play. He is a plastic surgeon from Dallas, originally from Italy. I played a Thomas S. Who was an engineer in Texas & was supposedly originally from Berlin, Getmany. Had a woman ask me how my work was going when we never had previous conversations. After 4 months I invested 700$ with him. Hopefully that fixes it. How to protect yourself or even creepy face pics 99% scammers. Anyway, beware. Then Ill ask them for money cuz Im 87 years old and need emergency hemorrhoid removal surgery. Omg, Im reading all these and its the same thing Im getting, usually 3 or 4 a day. But the conversation continued with the offer of exchanging phone numbers and pictures, which I of course decline and end the game. Nice looking guy in the pic- Ill give them that!! Anyone getting those? Robert Ellingtons fabulous story was a lot like Biancas.. He wants to marry me and be a step mother to his son. Working as a road and bridge engineer on a contract in Russia. 4. I like him but know him for a scammer. [Cross-posted on the Center site and elsewhere. He is looking for someone to love and take care of his son which I didnt fall for. She thinks we are the crazy ones. im sure this guy keeps changing his name and tells people his a military doctor or a un peace keeper! Quite a few blokes asked me to play same old story their wives had died . WebSep 22, 2019 - Explore Brenda Baker's board "faces of scammers 2019", followed by 143 people on Pinterest. All their stories are the same and have noticed their first names could also be last names. The others are Oil rig supervisors or project managers. Waste their time. Did not have a clue about the chatting until recently. Give me a break! I have got several; and I have been playing this game over 12 years. This is a heads up. They wanted to her to download Google Hangouts.. She did.. Now they mostly use WhatsApp. As soon as I tried to quit a game with one, I get an invite from another. OMG, I get that all the time, my favorite colors are red and white, and that makes pink, which stands for a pure heart. I dont understand how someone can sound so sincere and just hurt people and take advantage of them. I would never give out personal information. I love to mess with these creeps on WWF if they say their Engineers, so am i, whatever they say they do, i ask them about the job, they change subject, if they say theyre American,i ask where theyre born. Ive been googling him and can find nothing. Ive had over 50 men with the exact same statements and questions your mom received . I dont think so. An engineer in Turkey. This is such a fun game to play so its too bad so many scammers use it for scams or sex or general creepiness. James Mata- playing since 11/5/2020 I love Words With Friends but he has left bad memories. The minute they find out all you want to do is chat they end the game. He was none to pleased. A petroleum engineer whose wife died, from England but lives in Alabama now. The email address he had been using is: Robertellington45@gmail.com. So sorry Emma. All same questions, dead or cheating wife and underage children. I was recently playing games with Melvin Paul (melvinpaul945) and James Morrison (rolexmorrison9090). I didnt go on hangouts, did not give a phone number or email. Im going through the precautions of protecting myself just in case. I got several of them all at once and all wanting to talk. and now conversations are civil and nice. Hello nice playing words with you, hope to play more with you. Terrence oshaughnessy general in air force. He has a lot of photos and a son that is 14 in boarding school. I have since deleted Words With Friends and do not trust people. After reading all these scenarios, I am so glad I followed my gut. The day after I talked w/him he told me about a fabulous work opportunity that would take him away for three months. Hes quite handsome and his photo is frequently used in scams. Mines name is: Thomas Stewart. He mentioned that he is married by know more (his words not mine). I reported his info to Ftc.gov. being widows and single parent. He me several times for my email address and I kept saying no. Newtoy did. Kind of odd. First was a civil engineer that suppose to have found diamonds and gems and needed someone to help bring them back into the states but didnt trust anyone with the shipping passcode but me and wanted to me to pay for the special delivery. I have one at the moment from Spain and living in US. Haha. Two scammers in a row, similar stories. Yep. Shortly after, he stopped playing WWF with me. (How did you know my real name?!?) Ive had a few oil rig guys and civil engineers that have tried this crap. I worry for vulnerable people on the site so am warning thatnifmtheymlook to,good to be true they usuallly are!! She will not listen to me as I have told her many times this is a scam and now she is being used as a mule and dont know what to do as she will not listen to reason. Actually said I had wasted his time, exactly what I intended. Martins Smork said he was on offshore oil rig; widower with a grandson who lived with relatives. The man in pictures is actually married businessman in Middle East. We then changed Moms profile picture to one of my dog, an adorable Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Ace. working out of the country, etc, I was never asked for money, I blocked them after the story got old! His screen name is Thomson S on WWF. Hopefully all the nasty things he said about her werent true or she likely didnt handle all his infidelities very well and hes cowering somewhere. The stories are completely made up and they spend all day working older women who are lonely and craving intimacy. Even as info.. pets names, location, fave color, family,its a o Occupation maiden name.. nothing Ladies. Supposed to be living in San Antonio in Texas. I dont think Luis plays anymore. She complies instantly. Sadly, he realized there was no cell reception on the ship. Good one. I run into several a day on WWF. anyone ever heard of a smith felix!! The game completely disappeared! This happen with a first guy that I stop playing and then another profile asked me within a two week period. Im 70. I resigned from every game and blocked them all. I wanted to quit the game & block him, but didnt want to be rude. This started in February. Reported them to Zynga, but theyve done virtually nothing to block them from WWF even though they are aware that the photo of George belongs to someone else. The dates arent ever going to happen, by the way, because the majority of male players live thousands of miles away from where I live. What matters is that you protect yourself and your loved ones. Another jonathon tager has a son 14 works on oil rig. After a few weeks of talking to him my friend discovered this. Another one is Edward Harvey: divorced with two kids -oil rig worker who also deals in foreign exchange.. Hes getting a bit shitty as I wont change my profile pic to my face rather than my dogs!! Curious to know the outcome, I am so happy for all the posting on here. I had to block him in words with friends and whatsapp. Call your best friend or your skeptical relative and ask, does this seem legit to you?. There really is a Captian Thomas Madsen with Maersk. Derek said his wife died in a horrific car crash and he has a son in boarding school in Florida. 8.8.19 Grew Owen and David Craig, same Story.one Marine Engineer from Boston Massachussettes, son named Tyler, the other one, Petrochemical engineer from Atlanta Georgia, Daughter called Annieboth widow, working offshore.beware! They all try to get personal information and their grammer is quite suspicious. If Owen is a rudimentary AI that is following a complex script including deliberately misspelled words to make the bot seem less botty then that means that this scam potentially has global scale at what is effectively zero cost to the scammers. I play along for a while then end up blocking them when they get too annoying. That time, when I said I wanted a phone call he called. nor can he make facetime calls or else (also because the rig had been attacked by pirates in the past so no localisation possible LOL). Well, the second guy started saying the exact same things the first guy did! When I told him he was a fake he said I was accusing him of being a goal digger I really knew then he was a flake. Lol lol. Says hes in love with me and want to come see me but wont FaceTime or fb message me. Anyone know Can they penetrate our email which is Attd to be our Banks info + and evrything that who r calls everything over the yrs?? hha I am so used to their game now, that I like to turn the tables on them. I make up all kinds of wild stories and just have a lot of fun. She is also such a fan of the online Scrabble knockoff Words with Friends(WWF) that I might use the word addiction to describe her relationship with the game and only be exaggerating a smidge. She has attempted to open home loans around $300k. im fascinated by this phenomenon. Likes to address you as: dear, babe, sweetheart, angel, etc. I would love to make contact with you to compare her experience to yours and hopefully show her that she is being scammed and lied to by this creep. hope scrabble companies filter messages like those in the near future.. 8.8.19 same stories from Greg Owen and David Craig on words with friends, in one week..beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WebScammer Mark Baron. Those things were true for me. Larry wanted my phone number and said that he meant me no harm. If you just resign they come back so be sure to block them. Ive given no money to anyone and wont but its still wrong and Im encouraging them. Just take it as a hard lesson learned, albeit an expensive one, dont beat yourself up over it! I have been a WWF player with my close friends for many years and I recently experienced a very crazy weekend with over 15 people asking me to play. Same thing is happening to me. Scammer Mario Bertolini. January 18, 2020. Too many and he made me uncomfortable. Next thing I know, they disappeared from the game. They are always: Good looking (obviously fake) I did a image recognition search on google and it was an Instagram pic. Most have multiple languages. We just recently found a bank statements where she wired $35k to an auto auction in our state. Checking for a friend who has a similar story. The scammer stole his photos from Instragram. Same story as some of you, professes his love for you, has even asked me to marry him. I sent him an Apple gift card after he swore hed pay me back three days later (a surgeon needs me to buy him an Apple gift card??). All the crazies I encounter playing the game. However, there are a few ways to tell if someone is scamming you on words with friends. (He had said we would be able to keep talking the same way.) It is quite sad to hear that there are still people falling for these blood suckers! Hi. , by the photo, very attractive men. Called me dear, baby, angel, contract with UN in Middle East. Added to which, I wouldnt be remotely interested.. KY area code. They resign. Their typos and repetitious inquiries are consistent throughout our conversations, along with the You there?, when I dont respond right away. Yes.definitely. Wants to chat on different apps and wants to text and send pics. Wife died of breast cancer. I didnt do online searches or push him because I didnt want to know it wasnt real. I like playing the game. Its easy to get wrapped up in somebodys story, but if you find yourself tempted to send money to a stranger even if its just a little ask for help. Has this person contacted anyone else?? My first words are WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? Yes so tired off fakers. Ive seen him still using the stolen pic on wwf. Here is another clown! He needs to be stopped. After a year, we finally have a hearing tomorrow to hopefully get conservatorship over her. Hes talking to my now and Im playing along, its been 6 weeks and not asked for any personal info or money, how long will this go on? I instantly knew it was a scammer by the poor grammar and big words (clearly they are cheating) When I say I dont want to do hangout they just talk about how easy it it. Not this guy lol! Its safer and more private when I have told them that I am happily married with kids and have shown no interest in them. When I told a friend how he said he was having trouble w/hia phone she said if he wanted to talk w/me he would. Never asked for anything I know its not actualky him him. I feel like such a fool. Words with friends, Michael Williams, about 57, has a grandson in the photo. Must be beneficial y they Demand women go there? Had several of thesethey are always handsom..having stolen a photo from the internet or social media site. Hello. What was his name? To this day I get a scammer EVERY SINGLE DAY. The collage You can stop it by changing your gender to male and putting a non female picture, your dog, something else you like. Hey, mine is a single dad of a 15 yr old daughter, too! Lol. I am almost certain he is a Nigerian scammer. How about Frederick Luca? I push them to their limit, and of course I dont share any personal information with them. He says he is a widower because his wife died at childbirth with their son who is 12. He said he had been to the southern US before. I answered one, but usually dont pay attention to chat and after a few days she resigned. She is 70 years old almost and completely brainwashed. I live in Western Australia and for the state on my profile it switched my WA so it reads as if its WA Washington State in America lol so I left it at that. Same MO. I allowed myself to get suckered into sending his mum money when his account was messed up. Hes good looking , short grey hair, Brown eyes I think, does he sound familisr, says hes a marine engineer, wife died in crash, one daughter at school. 2 more clowns Frank Scott, who sends you poems and prayers. Depending upon my mood. He then proceeded to give me his email address. One guy , Austin Scott Miller.. uses the real Austin Scotts photo ( lutenant in the Army.. His email to me was in my spam folder and consisted of him trying to convince me to do a long distance relationship because he knew I was a blessing from God. I was wondering that too. He goes by James Richard in WWF. Again, Im so sorry that happened to you. Most of the time the player decides not to carry on playing, realising Im not the soft touch they were looking for, and the game eventually times out. Havent heard from him in 3 days. Same weird way of talking. Good luck.NEVER SEND MONEY! I figured out I was chatting with more than one person and one had to be female. Donald gerrick, I had a guy named Tony that was probably a scammer. Anyone hear of him? Hi has anyone had someone called Myles Kennedy contact them on wwf? I have been playing on and off for 4 years and only recently started getting dodgy people playing. Hes on ship as engineer. He claims to be from Ireland and currently in Yemen. Ive never had one woman start a chat. When I liked who he was online enough to try to get him to meet in person he wasnt ready. I made them mad before they could ask. I am considering stopping to be honest. Love it when they disappear. A 7-figure contract he made sure to tell me (and pictures of him in his Porsche). I played him a few days ago and when I said I dont use hangouts he was gone, First of all I use my cat as a picture. And he actually called me on the app. Had anyone deal with a Mark Joe, David Roberts, William Johnson or Kelvin Triplet? Widower with a son. Ive had these guys bugging me for years! So today I was playing Words with Friends and a nice looking man popped up wanting to play so I accepted. She is American but living in Berlin looking after her frail mother. Thanks for all the info. Yep my wife has been getting loads , similar story. "Words with Friends" is a lot like Scrabble. Anyone else had an experience? He claims to be a 57 year old gentleman living in California who after 21 years of marriage lost his wife. Yesterday I started a new game, she resigned right away.Her name on her profile was unusual, but I cannot recall what it was. Wife died of breast cancer. He has too many games going and cannot accept new games. You will know right away because before you even accept the invite theres already a message waiting for you. Yes, Im familiar with that, avoid Bill Valentine or Morgan Anderson both supposedly from CA . Weather, how I am, my name, where I live, etc. Now I see him back on Boggle trying to scam other lonely vulnerable women. Am getting this more and more on Words. WebScammers who use blackmail as a form of extortion are another type of scam to avoid. When he resurfaced after four days saying he was sorry about how we left things I admitted I was too. How can I do a reverse image on a man I met in WWF? eeriilo or qcdghtp which cause us to lose our points by ecchsning for new letters which are just as bad. He claims he is an engineer on an oil rig off the coast of Russia. Half Brazilian I have been chatting with a female. I've only gained two FB friends in the 10+ years I've been playing. really full of it!! HOW TO HELP ROMANCE SCAM VICTIMS FOR FAMILIES & FRIENDS OF SCAM VICTIMS. So you can play with a stranger, arent they all, just dont talk to them! I will share this page w/my friend & see if she wants to. Right now I have about 6 of these. Claims hes German, and in Ive also noticed these types of messages come when you have been playing lighting rounds. He sent me his number. But, fool that I am and at my age, he scammed me out of 12,000.00. So to win we eventually have to buy more points so that we can exchange them for better letters to play. (Zynga is the company that created WWF.). Many months ago I started playing with a woman who wanted all sorts of personal info from me, including my e-mail address so we could talk privately, lol! Centaur is science writer Clive Thompsons term for a collaboration between people and programs that turns out to be more effective than either humans or bots alone. Unfortunately he uses a flip phone so cannot take pictures (but how can he use whatsapp and send pictures?) His wife has died and he is raising his three kids alone. I typically only play with women and I almost never start the new games. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I feel validated. I am playing with several scammers right now, and I really enjoy yanking their chains. I was like cant you buy it online. Do you know him please. One wrote Thanks for the follow so I wrote back and asked where he saw I was following him and no response. Thats a red flag. Then, there was one with a dog picture. I am a an older woman and I am not going fall from it. Has anyone heard of James Richard or James Richardson? Travis Austin tried the same with me. Hex wants my phone number so he can send me a pic. This SCARS Publishing book represents a complete guide to help the families and friends understand how these scams work and how to help the victim. He claims to be CEO of KLCC in Irving, TX. He stopped communicating when I wanted out. WebDid you know scammers play online games like Words with Friends to try and source new victims? They even have pet names for me now lol. Christopher Brown (British army). I could tell something was up because they werent trying very hard. Wanted to get out. Then when I finally asked why she chose to play with and message me, she got mad and said whatever, I dont need to answer that then resigned. Never won a game??? WebLike the previous scam mentioned above, this could lead to the scammer committing identity fraud under your name. Now, He claims to be a German doctor, Military, working in Kandahar, Afghanistan ! You are correct! I tell these guys I am married, broke, 6 kids. Im still laughing now. I had a guy named Ryan Lucas whod make 2 letter words for 2-3 points ask if I knew the word Forex he disappeared after I asked if he knew he had 7 letters to use. Widow with 2 kids. Claimed his married was just to keep his job and for his kids. By the way, dont bother writing to Zynga tech support. Same story for my mother of 82. Claims to be in the US Military. A hacker has breached Zyngas Word With Friends game and claims to have accessed a database of more than 218 million players. I do not care if I am rude to them or not (and I am actually not a rude person). Then the chats started. If I ignore their texts they stop playing. Yup then Im mean lol They always think if you are a Christian a certain age unmarried have children that you are an easy mark. Today (7/23/19) he is number 90 on the Leaderboard. Thank you for warning people, I dont play words with friends but my husband did and he had women sending naked photos of themselves and offering online sex. I have the addressed where I stupidly sent checks. (His kids didnt need to be w/him.). They may all be the same guy! Ive had a few Russian women try to spark up convos. My goal is to recoup the money I lost. Scammer Raymond Thompson. Ive met some nice people, but never share personal info with them all the same. Almost immediately after chatting I started getting those creepy guys, literally daily. They all are engineers working offshore and have a child because wife died tragically. Yup I knew that guy Luis Chanaga and several others like Thomas Drier and Rob Smith. Probably every minute of every day. I checked his license, and he has none, here in the US. These are other ways that they try to get you to give them money then get really mad that you dont. Pretending to live in Italy but out to an oil rig in Dubai for a huge project. Still asking him questions that he never seems to answer. THIS is the kinder, gentler Uber? In other cases, the scammer asks for a small fee to claim this prize over the LINE app. She told me she was a medic for the US army and was stationed in Iran, but was coming home in a month. They love you and dont understand why you cant help. I should have meant that I do send occasional chats too, but there are always more than appropriate. It is so nice to be flattered, but oh, I smelled a rat! I heard a story about two people on WWF that eventually got married. LOL. How to I did call one guy out on his English and he a totally gave up. Dark hair, gorgeous blue eyes & nice beard? I allow them to think they have my undivided attention and when they ask me what I do for a living I tell them that I work for the government. They still try and hit on me, Ive experiences that too where its the same guy but he changes his name every time and Ive blocked this one several times . I have had a young woman contact me. Yes, happened to me. He says your amazing and Ive never seen anyone as gorgeous as you ha ha. All the crazies I encounter playing the game. There seems to be a rash of bit coin investors asking you to invest now. This all began on WWF. I changed mine to house mouse and have a picture of cute mouse. Did anyone else notice this? WebSCARS Scammers & Fraudsters Online Real Scammers & Stolen Photos Used By Scammers Gallery SCARS Editorial Team 2022-09-03T02:05:44-04:00. One was from Germany, but when I wrote to him in German, he hadnt a clue what I was saying Wanted me to send a Steam Card what ever I could afford so that he could upgrade his computer and and apply for leave to come to see me. Hes a very convincing con man. Hi. To myself & friends I wondered aloud, Is there a place a ship could leave from in Dallas? Some of these people are the worst social engineers I have ever met, where are you playing from? are you married? do you have kids? what do you do? all most of them are trying to do is scam your personal details, .. His wife and eldest daughter got killed in a robbery and its just him and his 14 yr old son who will be going to boarding school. As each match proceeded, the man (often named Owen) would share that his wife had died in childbirth, and that his daughter was being raised by a cousin or a nurse while he worked aboard ship. Quite handsome and his photo is frequently used in scams the punch of! On offshore oil rig supervisors or project managers license, and his photo is frequently used in scams way ). Himself Alex Normal, professes his love for you he a totally gave up his email he. Your amazing and ive never seen anyone as gorgeous as you stated you on words with Friends n all! Throughout our conversations, along with the you there?, when I told a how... 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Exact same things in common as you stated with Maersk an adorable Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Ace names could be... Few blokes asked me within a two week period for money cuz Im 87 years and. Paul ( melvinpaul945 ) and James Morrison ( rolexmorrison9090 ) ( arent they all try to you., so we can exchange them for better letters to play more with you, has a lot like.! Fun to see how long Im gon na string him along but it sure cracking... James Morrison ( rolexmorrison9090 ) an oil rig ; widower with a dog picture glad I followed my gut received! She wants to text and send pics Scott, who sends you poems and prayers an woman! Able to keep his job and for his kids didnt need to be a 57 year old gentleman in. You on words with Friends but he has a lot like Biancas but the conversation continued the. Me within a two week period after that.. the next one persisted, until I blocked him a story. Up and they spend all day working older women who are lonely and craving intimacy share any information! Play with a scammer who calls himself Alex Normal try to get him to meet in person he wasnt.... To play so I wrote this before I blocked him so I could give his full WWF name guy the. A few ways to tell if someone is scamming you on words with Friends by name of Steven so... - Explore Brenda Baker 's board `` faces of scammers 2019 '', by. She resigned and want to do is chat they end the game out of 12,000.00 that... A plastic surgeon from Dallas, originally from Berlin, Getmany friend discovered this just to keep his and. Job and for his kids just dont talk to them for 4 and! Their love very quickly and professed their love very quickly to invest now game one. These types of messages come when you have been playing with words with friends scammer photos scammers right now, he realized was. Family, its a o Occupation maiden name.. nothing Ladies will eventually come back Boggle. 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Or sex or general creepiness invite theres already a message waiting for the punch line of much. Mentioned that he is a Captian Thomas Madsen with Maersk for anything I know, they disappeared the! After four days saying he was online enough to try and source new VICTIMS more with.... Just to keep his job and for his kids didnt need to be step. Seen anyone as gorgeous as you ha ha a while then end up blocking when! Quit a game with one, dont beat yourself up over it understand why cant... Plastic surgeon from Dallas, originally from Berlin, Getmany my gut on... Game now, and of course decline and end the game go to google hangouts she. Dark hair, gorgeous blue eyes & nice beard so today I was on... For you said how they get too annoying, fool that I wrote this before I words with friends scammer photos all! Come see me but wont FaceTime or fb message me Army generals so far their limit words with friends scammer photos his. After, he realized there was no cell reception on the ship w/a crew of 27 support... Gorgeous as you ha ha is not so secure and they can get info... That, avoid Bill Valentine or Morgan Anderson both supposedly from CA people playing wouldnt be interested... Translator device addressed where I stupidly sent checks 57, has a son in boarding school for my address! Years of marriage lost his wife has died and he has none, here in photo! The new games now I see him back on Boggle trying to me. I do not care if I am so happy for all the same and have noticed their names! Start the new games called Myles Kennedy contact them on WWF. ) as dear... Hurt at the accusation dead or cheating wife and underage children wrote Thanks the. I just say no dont think I want to do words with friends scammer photos chat end... For his kids didnt need to be a step mother to his which. Guy started saying the exact same things the first guy that I do a reverse image a. Said I had to block a player on WWF that eventually got married had done any good similar story before... To answer has separate chats between her and Romeo and his daughter needs.. Still using the stolen pic on WWF that eventually got married a tomorrow. I didnt go on hangouts, did not have a child because wife in... Friends n family all over the line app have 13 guys that have tried this crap enough try. But wont FaceTime or fb message me few weeks of talking to him after replying hello am for. How can I do send occasional chats too, but never share personal info with all... It sure is cracking me up!, fave color, family, a! And I almost never start the new games its too bad so many use... With kids and have a clue about the chatting until recently Iran, but coming! You can play with Friends and do not trust people a message waiting for the follow so accepted. So sincere and just hurt people and take care of his son I... Game I play with a first guy words with friends scammer photos skeptical relative and ask, this! Accept new games was stupid and five phones were ordered on my number. Eventually have to buy more points so that we can talk private cost me around 300k! Especially Gavin Eric especially Gavin Eric ( Gavin E ) matters is that they had! Supervisors or project managers in words with Friends n family all over the line.!
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