But to be honest when I knew who I am I laghed. But as much as I like ENTJs, I couldn't eat a whole one . It is no surprise to me that you are an INTJ. We do what must be done. But who cares? Same here. 10- tbh, that's both a good and bad thing, yes we need strong leader figures in the world, but too much of us might cause a problem, we are too Passionate and goal oriented, a clash is bound to happen. Why do ENTJs like INTPs? As an INTP, I'm constantly re-iterating and self judging. If you don't schedule something it might never happen! I always think rationally and people never really like me in an academic/work environment. This personality is the most likely to respond to ENTJs' need for intellectual advancement and growth. INTPs find trouble with ENTJs unrealistic ideas, which are often shallow and not in-depth. Do ENTJs and INTPs get along? Think of it this way, Roosevelt was an ENTJ, he had been preparing for WW2 long before entering it officially, he built the united nations. Which MBTI types are most attracted to INTP? Consedring that we have the biggest balls ever, emotions and charm is left for the rest of the population. Or a hobby for, say, astronomers who don't take astrology seriously My bf is entj and I literally told him you have to start acting like you don't care about what you're doing at work bc others were getting so jealous of him and trying to trip him up! Im a woman ENTJ and an Aries. and our Too methodical. Exactly, I personally used to do this untill my co worker heloped me big time. Because of their personality traits and dispositions, INFPs are often considered wall-flowers and may seem quiet. They love adventure and excitement. No surprise, I'm the only woman on my team. You can find them giving orders, yeah, but theyre also chasing the limelight, can take orders too if necessary, aesthetically inclined,abrupt and blunt, even brash, does procrastinate,in vain, open,anger-prone and are quite passionate. I love your comment! They trust the data and act sensibly based on that. Full disclosure: I'm married to an ENTJ(according to the16-type personality systemdeveloped byIsabel Briggs Myers). They are very dominant in bed. Hope I didn't confuse anyone too badly. INTPs prefer to have ENTJs as coworkers, friends, and business partners rather than as romantic partners. I think you should think WHY THE PEOPLE HATE YOU accurately in the first place before accusing them as whiny and jealous of you. Thus, they are the leaders and idea people of the zodiac. If anything I tend to think SO FAR in advence all I have time to do IS ruminate on every little aspect of what I am trying to do. lol. I'm 22 and an ENTJ. I go for that length just to tell him which one way he should take so he will be better at least in student's eyes (I am student, I know better) and make everything fair, but he refused instead. Yet, when hes with me he seems docile and Im the one whos aggressive and on. I'm not highly dominant & Commanding as said about entj types. Before he started at the company I'm at, I had never met one. Continue. Their natural instinct to lead will be apparent in this arena as well as other areas of life, and they will lead their partner on creative lovemaking adventures, where the focus is on mutual learning and affection sharing. I don't quite understand perfectly why these two types are idealy matched, and I am looking for someone with insight on this. I try and not let it get to me. When INTPs crush on someone, they may try to place themselves strategically in the right place for something to happen. I do not think another ENTJ and I would be able to work shoulder to shoulder, but I have has success with INFPs in the past, and in my marriage. Astrology is a hobby for people who do not understand science. Wisdom tells me I am nothing. And trust me, I agree with you. If the ENTJ learnshow to get in touch with his inner feelings, sort them out properly and give attention to his feelings? He will not get jealous or insecure. But they hate me and woman never liked me growing up and still don't. I am ENTJ and I couldn't but relate to every single word you have described! It will be only power rivalry with "you must loyal to me because I am good with you. MBTI Type. If the only thing you are seeking in a relationship is to have a good time then yes, an INTJ is probably a good choice for an INTP. Since you cannot meet their needs it turns into hate. And yes, we are REALLY rare. I very much value the work he puts in and sometimes his sociable attitude but I am glad there are not more. Leo, ENTJ, woman. These personality types are optimistic and take a creative and unique approach to life, art, interests, and relationships. In addition, ISTPs have difficulty reading emotions and are logical and factual in their approach to relationships. It's sad to see so many accounts of woman being too scared to be extroverted. My mind is always calculating periods of free time in a day suitable for sex. Freud is 80% fraud, all except the E for Ego, (psychologists) is the R for Relationship, "Lor and NoI are my heroes and I would do anything for them! You're extremely earthly, vulgar, coarse and simple/close-minded. But now I don't really care what people think of me. Its the wisdom of life. Adversely, ENTJs are goal-oriented individuals and become hyper-focused on their tasks and goals. I am a great friend of my dad, who is an ENTJ and my cousin, who is possibly my best friend is ENTJ. You were in all honesty just another woman an ENTJ found a liking. ENTJs and INTPs have a particular personality trait in common: Intuition. I always thought that only zodiacs represent personalities until I took Jung's test. Answer (1 of 12): Less bullsh*t. Caring about fitting in, being nice and talking about the weather isn't exactly at the top of an INTPs "to do list". Now I am reconnecting with myself and honestly, I could give two **** about how they perceive me or getting people to "like" me. They are whiners. INTPs are Thinkers and as such their Feeling function is quite weak. Still good friends though. So far iachieve milestonesthat others cant achieve.. Imjust enjoying it. They may feel defensive and private when it comes to their emotions. Just my two cents! Refusalto take responsibility for mistakes is inherently problematic. These things you say do descibe YOUR experience and yours alone. To claim you can handle your own personal growth is just silly. Coming from an INTJ, this one is the kettle calling the pot black. I wish to become the best version of myself and inspire others to do the same along the way. Coming from the flip side as an INTJ-A malewith ENTJ spouse, I understand. What can I say. Mirrors by functional stacking but because of the attitudinal differences in every function, keeps things lively and interesting. Especially when I give them my time and they don't change, I just ignore them. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Which will succeed because, well, she's an ENTJ. People dont. You get along well until another extraverted type gets in the mix. Happy exploring! Thanks for your comments. This is a great question and I look forward to reading the answers. I a female ENTJ (pisces) also. INTPs often wear their heart on their sleeve. Why are ENTJs attracted to INTPs? I TELL YOU THIS. You must log in or register to reply here. INTP replies: Lets stay in, forget the parents, have sex and order pizza! Your self-worth isn't defined by the level of your concerete and proven success as much as it's defined by the impressionability of your aggrandized self-conceptualization. Repetative and predicatable. And, at 53% Introverted, 47% Extraverted, my own personality is running dangerously close to the ENTJ cliff edge. I am kind and friendly. But do ENTJs really hate INTPs? In short, they are good in bed and not interested in one-night stands! ENFJs are often drawn to INTPs' independence, creativity, and calm way of dealing with crisis. Never had a relationship with an ENTJ. However, ENTJs are incredibly stubborn and rely primarily on empirical evidence, disregarding abstract thinking and logic, which frustrates INTPs. Anyways, Astrology has no factual basis or any evidence of accuracy. I have to agree, sometimes I can't even pinpoint the source of these intense emotions, and I just feel out of my element. INTPs are naturally more emotional and quick to express their thoughts and feelings. INTP vs ENTJ will work incredibly well together. Being a girl in a male dominated academic school track is hard in the first place but honestly I love the challenge and knowing I'll come out on top is a fantastic feeling. Whitney and mercedesz, you both are clearly not entj as we (actual entjs) do not care about what others think. As an ENTJ I do recognize a lot of patterns of your experience with a similar personality type, but when do we ever learn to not generalize the whole population when one or two does something (wrong)? You will always wrong for them, and they will always wrong for you. Enneagram. No they round up other people and start checking: hey do you hate this person to? Again - I dont know if these are just individual things or if being an ENTJ-T female is different than being an ENTJ male. As an ENTP I would not even hear them. me too!!!! muahaha. I think INTP and ENTJ works well together because the INTP is a logical and rational thinker, and the ENTJ is an artistic doer. The Awkward ENTJ. How do you know youe teacher was an ENTJ?? Besides, ENTJ women are the highest earners; not only do they outearn women of other personality types, but they make even more . (astrostyle.com), This is funny, firesigns and ENTJ. When these two first meet , their first conversation may seem like they have known each other for years. Gotta point out, although it's not necessarily inaccurate but Idon't believe in zodiac signs. It's clear that I shouldn't work for someone else. I believe being a Cancer helpsme be more compassionate. That goes back thousands of years and has been represented in different ways in different cultures over the centuries. I do think I am nice and personable, but my blind spot is not nice and personable enough for others. Are INFJs Sensitive And Easily Overwhelmed? The ENTJ will deal with the high-profile strategy stuff that's important. I'm deeply passionate about people and their complex personalities. We explore this combination's goals, str, For MLK Day of Service, we're donating 10% of each purchase to nonprofits working to help people find their paths i. The INTP does not do that. ENTJs are very protective of their emotions and have a more extroverted approach. My course of action is the most probable solution, even if every step hasn't been explicitly outlines. ~Me. absolutely the same thing. Both personalities are ambitious and willing to challenge the status quo. ENTJs will find this knowledge delightful. Whatva relief.idgaf who hates melol im a true ENTJ ARIEShated by all women and I'm happy to Intimidate and Intrigue. An ENTJ is just Carolyn Burnham at American Beauty, shouting, 'This is a $4,000 sofa, upholstered in Italian silk. We win. At least we have something to pursue. I think a lot of ENTJ women are mis-typed and don't answer the questions honestly. I gotta say Sophia i'm with you there in every point you made espically the second to last sentence,and i'm only fourteen years old still in highschool and putting up with people that just don't likemy straitforward blunt honesty besides theboys who are mostly my friends and the rest of them can't just seem tosuck it up. Thats the extroverted part of them, they do actually understand what interpersonalmeans, only that it comes second to themselves. Im a virgo ENTJ female and I also have to change my attitude with my friend but I still look rude and scary to them -_- and because of getting so much criticism from people im starting to become little introverted which i dont want to be. I'm very forward with how I feel and I have 0 problem with telling anyone where I stand. They also enjoy connecting to other people on an emotional level, unlike ENTJs. No matter how many facts you throw at them, its tough for ENTJs to change their mind. They admire their partners' energy and social confidence and respect their insights and understanding of what makes people tick. I sometimes even take the consecquences over my shoulder and be proud of it. JavaScript is disabled. INTPs trust ENTJs better when theyre allowed to be spontaneous and adventurous, not preoccupied with how their ideas and actions will be interpreted. And why do I do that? You should respect other people's thoughts and consider everything they said because you can't be your own mirror. in an intimate relationship, the extraverted nature of the feeling judgement leads to a beneficial openness and empathic directness in responding to the partner's needs. The go-getter nature of ENTjs and their ability to take the lead and do the most talking in public situations fit really well with INTPs more reserved nature. For me, this would make this type an exception amongst other types that are similar in that aspect, as in this is the only type of the judgers I enjoy. My mom says I should have been born a man given my personality and interests. INTPs also admire ENTJs insight and the ability to actually do something about their shared ideas. I'm a Gemini ENTJ, I can relate with most what I read from y'all. I personally used to be like this. There quite a few EMTJ Aries here. She told me that was the meanest thing anyone's ever said to her and I was thinking I gave her a compliment. I go through the same . Nothing else. When I'm with an ENTJ I'm constantly slapping my forehead thinking: "THANK YOU. I have no problems sharing my feelings - actually I tend to OVER share my feelings more often than not. INTPs and ENTJs make a fantastic team. That said, other women can be a mystery to me in terms of their ability to BE really emotional in front of other people. Myers-Briggs and MBTI are registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc., which has no affiliation with this site. 1. Traveller, there are no roads. It's refreshing to be understood and comforting to be able to be straight to the no bullshit point. If the schedule fits then willingness is secondary. I've been tested twice professionally. And thats embarassing as hell to me as an INFP. Love tells me I am everything. They are highly intuitive and feel deeply for people they care about. It so hard sometimes being someone like us, we think so fast and far ahead, other people in my work place just can't keep up, it took me quite sometime for me to explain my thought to them, sometime they just rejecting my idea, but what makes me annoyed is, in the end, they always ending up using it, sometimes they forgot that i already mention it before which they turn down, it just making me crazy. ENTJs account for less than 3 percent of the general population, but among women, it's the rarest personality type. Tarot, more so. I have NO patience for people who dont listen or are lazy or refuse to follow logic for the sake of making themselves feel good. INTPs and ENTJs can end up neglecting the details and practicalities of everyday life. This is so true. They appreciate efficiency and work quickly to find solutions to problems to move forward. I thought it was the ENFJ's that were the ideal match. You could be sitting in a room with 10 professors and believe yourself to be more knowledgeable than ALL of them put together in one. My name isn't Mercedes but I'm a Saggittarius ENTJ and will only drive a Mercedes lmao. ENFJs can help INTPs understand emotions (both their own and other people's). If I mess up in a serious way, I apologize. People think I'm cold and calculating but also charming. They make a well-oiled machine that is highly logical, forward-thinking, and action-oriented. Roads are made by traveling. Its their loss, and not up to us to change ourselves for their comfort. Anyway: There's an ENTJ on my bus, and when she sits near the group of me and the two INTP friends I have on that bus, we generally end up in animated conversations on various random topics. I am just interested. The GF left me due to her family not liking me (probably the forcefulness of my personality). I dont share my feeling but people find it easy to read my face and guess how I am feeling. If you are looking for an exciting partnership with an insatiable craving for intimacy, ENTJs are all that and much more. INTPs are intuitive individuals while ISTPs rely on their senses. ENTJs are highly independent and try to navigate their life by relying on their own talents, ambitions, and hard work. I'm a ENTJ boy doing a project about my project and I have never knew about my personality type was one of the rarest because I always thought that my personality is probably common. INFJs can be self-centered because they use it as protection to shield themselves from pain and disappointment. I'm in accord with you, but not necessarily in accord with the Bully Commander (ENTJ). I can generally describe the relationship with the top 3. Oh and it will change your view on "Real Life" forever. They see the logic in telling the truth and can trust others easily. Every time I'm medicated for it people mistake me for ENTJ. You could be sitting in a room with 10 professors and believe yourself to be more knowledgeable than ALL of them put together in one. These personality types seek out new experiences and adventures wherever they are. It doesn't apply to ENTJ's. ENTJs ability to lead, be at the forefront, and take lifes challenges head-on is something that inspires INTPs. INTPs dislike when ENTJs get so confident in their ideas that they cannot see their pitfalls and biases. ENTJs may feel uncomfortable when in the presence of INTPs because they enjoy connecting over intellect rather than emotions. Therefore, you habor much bitterness and you tend to lash out against anything that conflicts with your idealized image and/or evokes egodystonic dissonance. Only other people can judge someone. The best thing we can do for ourselves as ENTJs is to own our power! But INTPs also find ENTJs at their worst to be insensitive and condescending. I am a cancer sun aries moon, which is called the "warrior". ENTJs often express their intuition by following their instincts in leadership and organizational practices. All of these things set me apart from others, but it never made me an outcast. I'm an ENTJ. All of the sins you point out are not as important as the mission. Even Carl G. Jung, whose work wound up being extrapolated into MBTI typology, believed there was something to astrology and spent time exploring it. INTPs are often more dependent on their relationships and can become overly involved in close relationships. They can quickly become distracted when they are inspired to pursue other interests. Although they generally keep to themselves, INFPs may prefer to be alone to foster their creativity and imagination. Instead, they crave space in their relationship. 10 Reasons Why INTPs Dislike ENTJs. I say this humbly and by thinking, not feeling my emotions. INTPs are emotional, hesitant, relaxed, problem-focused, and dependent. I agree with several points, howeverthese miss the mark: #3 I absolutely admit my mistakes and will offer apologies- Just don't expect me to apologize when I'm not wrong. I can't help but "think" emotions rather than feel them. INTJs don't put yourself in relationship with ENTJs! Really ENTJs?! 'Impersonal' is the adjective that best describes an ENTJ's thought processes; 'interpersonal' is something that other people do behind the scenes. Subservience is an ENTJ's kryptonite - they cannot NOT lead, which is why they have no problem stepping up to the plate to call the shots. Similarly, they have long-term goals that they strive toward by using their problem-solving skills and natural motivation. But I discovered that it might affect my health and decesion making and learned how to control it. They dont have to carefully package their words for fear of hurting someone. These three categories, not being like everybody else, not being normal and being sick are in fact very different but have been reduced to the same thing', Sexually, the ENTJ is robust, imaginative and enthusiastic. ENTJs can be a bit awkward or appear awkward when they are dealing with emotional situations or people. INTP like INFJs because they help them relate with people better. INTPs appreciate ENTJs ability to lead and get things done. I don't see how you equate planning with commanding. They may often pursue creative careers where they allow themselves the freedom of expression. Hi there, I am a male but thought could share my thoughts regarding the topic since I am an ENTJ-A personality. He believes strongly in the importance of self-care, good friendships, and humor whenever possible. He is a patince personality. My female boss is ENTJ Aries. INTPs are honest and straightforward. ENTJs and INTPs both have quality time and physical touch among their top three . INTP The INTP does not like too much detail, preferring a broad-brush stroke approach. Its humble and wise to say so. ENTJs are highly independent and believe that everyone is responsible for their own fate in life. All tools were created by people and therefore subject to innacuracy. Its like my teenager voice came back again. ENTJs may often try to mediate and remedy situations by solving the root of the problem and finding a solution. I am a gemini (saggi moon) ENTJ. What's a girl to do? This is funny, fires signs and ENTJ. INTPs are not lazy they just have a different way of prioritizing tasks. They can quickly become annoyed when they are reliant on other individuals. Some look for a co-hero, someone that is on the exact same track as you, with similar goals and aspirations. They often find ENTJSs to be pushy, controlling, and too demanding. But it's made me more self aware of who I am. You are women, thats the only reason. That's the part of theirfunction stack that they havethe least access too, and it's usually the exact opposite of theirusual type. They're likely to expect sex on a relatively scheduled basis.". Lighten up about this? Sugar coating their language is neither a requirement nor a need unless it's essential to the forward progress of their work. After that I'm saying that since ENTJs typically come off as judgy, i'd expect myself and other INTPs to dislike them. That being said, I am certainly protective of my deepest feelings and will take some time to fully get everything out I want to say and make sure its an appropriate time and place to say them. . I'm factoring in the opportunity cost of time. We dont give up. Have a great rest of your day! I feel upon discovery of my personality type, I'm more comfortable with who I am. They were all so shy and kind and delicate, meanwhile there was me who saw everything as a competition and powered through any work I was given. I personally can skip a few steps and jump right into. I don't bring the fire, I am the fire.. lol. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. INTPs also admire ENTJ's insight and the ability to actually do something about their shared ideas. You may want to explore that possibility for your own typing, as this comment provides much more evidence of Aux/Ter Si/Ne than Ni/Se. Intense with a second layer or intenseness. There are certain things about them that justrub people up the wrong way. Privacy Policy. INTPs also enjoy debunking and providing greater perspective on some of the ENTJs megalomanic ideas and projects. INTP personality types, however, are more carefree and can often have a light-hearted approach. Im not saying this from statistical proof but I would wager that the most highly successful ENTJs were liklyhighly successful because of an INTJat their side. Only good in a work/project when they can teaming up. INTPs and ENTJs both tend to be private about their emotions and it can take a long time for them to open up. With her dominant and determined nature, she pulls me down and this makes me an unhealthy INFP. Theoretically speaking, I think ENTJ might like me at first but then hate me over time. I am a sagittarius-ENTJ and have the same issues, it is annoying when femalegetjealous for no reasonand so workingfor myself feels great, for that part so far, I didn't know I was an ENTJ before but I have always wondered why my female bosses didn't like me much, despite I get alone well with everyone. She lives with her husband and daughters in the UK. Accusing me as rude when I raised my voice because you are still blind of the fact?! I have struggled with weaker, less dominate superiors throughout my career. ENTJs hate INTPs because they have different personality traits. I am abig fan of the INTJ personality type. Nice to meet ya. - Benjamin Franklin. ok both of you are named after a car hahahaha, named after a car, named after a girl "Emil Jellinek, a European automobile entrepreneur who worked with DMG, created the trademark in 1902, naming the 1901 Mercedes 35hp after his daughterMercedes Jellinek." #aries. It is said that intuitive pereceivers have a turbulent/dreamy/dissociative type of gaze that's suggesitive of their scatterbrain naivete and lack of discipline, whilst intuitive judgers have a hardened gaze that's indicative of their maturity, exposure to hardship, and their capacity to overcome obstacles. Sexuality is another important area which brings out the Fe shadow of the INTP. Some INTPs pursue a partner that is like a soulmate, while other people are looking for a best friend. A lot of the games social groups play are like that. My mother is ENTJ and I always had a wonderful relationship with her. I am a giving, kind, considerate person. It is interesting to see that this is a common thing for ENTJs. For the first time in life, I really love the work, but on the same way, I hate that woman so much. Spammers will be fried and served on toast. Problem is he doesnt communicate his feelings at all. I think out loud a lot, and will come up with the craziest, not-very-intelligent hypotheticals and ideas. Sophia"Get it Girl!!!!!" And not whinny as entp been describeds! ENTJs tend to give objective feedback and evidence to help the INTP find the right answer to a problem. It's not that he doesn't care; in fact, he cares deeply about all sorts of things and can be an incredible listener and intensely loyal friend. Charm is left for the rest of the sins you point out are more. Be able to be spontaneous and adventurous, not feeling my emotions the.! Turns into hate health and decesion making and learned how to control it with crisis out are not as as. Ourselves for their comfort when I 'm cold and why do entjs like intps\ but also charming untill my co worker heloped me time. Over my shoulder and be proud of it everything they said because you ca n't be your personal... Probably the forcefulness of my personality and interests function is quite weak in every,! 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Enfjs can help intps understand emotions ( both their own fate in life details and practicalities of life! You get along well until another extraverted type gets in the opportunity cost of time refreshing.
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