By the 1980s, smokers were already paying more for life insurance than their nonsmoking counterparts. The explanation for this is simply that smokers are more likely to develop health concerns in the future, and therefore represent a greater risk for insurance companies. Multiply the number of packs you smoke in a week by the cost of cigarettes to find out how much you can save by not smoking. A recent survey found that 2 out of 3 Australians believed that smokers and people with other unhealthy habits should pay more for their health cover. Smoking is the No. Tagged as: Walk. Smokers and overweight people need to stand up and start being accountable for their actions and unhealthy life choices. A solid majority 59 percent say that smokers should pay more for health insurance than nonsmokers. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and I could stand to lose a few pounds. Let's give people who smoke free tobacco-company-paid health insurance. The Affordable Care Act allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50% more for premiums. Whats a company secret you can share now that you dont What quietly went away without anyone noticing? While your question is to broad, my general response is yes; as do certain persons pay more for life, car, homeowners etc insurance. Add to prior comment: Employers, however, have no business even asking these questions and companies should be banned from forcing them to. Therefore, any reliance placed on the information provided on the CompareClub website is at the user's own risk. This is a great idea. I Jack gain weight if I try to live on 500, 1000, or even 1500 calories a day. It was MY CHOICE to go and buy cigarettes as it was my choice to quit. Responsible people who exercise and try to enhance their health should have greatly discounted rates. P.S:- I am not a somker or fat(atleast for now) so no bias aganist smokers. You can change your choices at any time by visiting your privacy controls. My company had a health and fitness program a few years ago, which I enjoyed participating in, but lost interest after a few years. 88% of smokers began smoking before age 18. That's their problem! The idea is simple: smokers have the right to smoke, but not the right to pass on the increased cost of their healthcare to others. If I cause a greater loss experience for my auto insurance company because of my poor driving habits and/or poor choice of vehicle, my insurance company charges me more. Loss prevention, however, reserves care for those who need it. Why not Jack? Those that drink alcohol excessively?, those that engage in unprotected sex?, abuse prescricption drugs and painkillers? For what the price of Health Care is today here in America there are many countries in the world that have a healthcare plan for everyone at half the cost. I believe in following the Doctors instructions to the letter. Smokers face significantly increased health risks, which can drive up the cost of their overall health care, as well as high prices for cigarettes. Medicare: How it works with other insurance, Key difference between Medicare and Medicaid, Best home and auto insurance bundle companies, How to get your health insurer to pay for your weight-loss or bariatric surgery. I believe that working people wether smokers, fat, or just plain ill, should NOT be charged more for health insurance, while individuals that do not work at all get 100% coverage. If they are lazy and indulge themselves with bad food and refuse to change that! If a union is in the picture, a differential would probably be a mandatory subject of bargaining. While the Affordable Care Act ends the era of denying people with pre-existing conditions access to health care, it allows insurance companies to charge tobacco users up to 50% more for their monthly premiums. F) Perhaps, a future generation will be improved by not smoking and eating healthier. People are already having to pay to much, and if you already have something such as diabetes you pay more.All I see is greed and another way to make people pay. Starting next year, Wal-Mart will charge employees who smoke higher premiums, along with offering a free program to help them quit. Self-efficacy is essential "Analysis shows . Not surprisingly, implementing a differential does involve some risk. It's not about health, it's about money. We should tax people for smoking, not for receiving health insurance. If you are knowingly putting your health at risk you should be forced to pay more for your insurance. Why don't we just discriminate more, people who drink should pay more.It doesn't matter to the insurance companies as long as they get money. Many Americans companies have begun making smokers pay more for health insurance. *Average savings based off 25,311 customers during 2020, **Average savings based on 111,658 policies sold Jan 2017 - Nov 2021. Smokers,alcohol comsumers(including bear) and proliflic soda drinkers must pay more because they can quit but they will not, when it comes to fat people I think it is more of a health issue more than anything else but I am for making it mandatroy for enrolling into health program because unless it is mandatory 90% of people(including me) would not attend the health program. Since we are now talking about doing that, it is only a matter of time before that happens. Smokers elect to smoke and know that they are harming themselves. YES! No one should be able to tell an adult that she cant spend her hard-earned money on cigarettes. Studies have shown thatmonetary incentivescan significantly increase smoking cessation. are killing us anyway wth bills n medicine we are always use as the puppets. Why stop at smokers and the obese. Get fat on steroids from their asthama? Yes, and those with alcohol related diseases. No. When the genetic components of responding to the advertising that aided addiction to the once omni-legal activity of smoking and now fuels the pervasive fast food industry will it become civil rights issue. If your home is large, on a beach, in an earthquake or hurricane zone you pay more. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. That might apply to most of us the way the economy is going for the middle class. Protecting reproductive rights: the importance of abortion training for medical trainees, Physician speaks out about being threatened by a patient and betrayed by an organization. SMoking, excessive drinking, over eating should be the responsiblity of the person who practices these activiites. You get what you reward! 1 cause of preventable disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Then He Blurted out without being called upon. Thus, charging smokers higher rates would imply a commitment to higher rates for people who are obese, have high cholesterol, or engage in hazardous activities, such as motorcycle riding. Here's my question to you: Should smokers and fat people pay more for health care? The second ethical argument for charging smokers higher insurance rates is that it is actuarially fair because individual insurance rates should be based on expected payouts. People that are overweight also are electing to be overweight. But I don't think that's where the tax is going. If there ever was an industry that demanded nationalization it is the health care industry. Charging a higher premium for established smokers will either at best encourage people to stop smoking immediately in order to access health insurance or at worst deter smokers from signing up for health insurance in the first place. If they quit smoking they save at least the $2190 and their rates will go down, so explain to me why this is bad. We're both fat, and we both smoke. The health insurance industry unexpectedly began to support a plan for universal health insurance for American citizens. Find out more about how we use your information in our privacy policy and cookie policy. Should fat people and smokers pay more for healthcare insurance? Working-age Americans are not legally required to purchase health insurance. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. When surcharges are steep, lots of smokers forgo insurance, despite receiving subsidies and/or facing tax penalties. The average surcharge now is around 15 percent, she says. "Fat" people. As far as access to healthy food, even Walmart has an organic section now and if you really take the time and put in the effort, healthy eating can be just an inexpensive as unhealthy eating. The stubborn presence of tobacco use is frustrating considering the plethora of studies that link it to so many debilitating diseases. Ms Ley also dismissed claims obese people and smokers could pay more for their private health insurance, but defended the government's right to ask "tough questions" about it given the private health insurance rebate cost it over $6 billion a year. Will they ask those with heart attacks, strokes, cancer, in the family history to pay more also, maybe they should ask those who come up with these senseless ideas to pay more just for being stupid. Please click OK to accept. That's how many Online Journal readers responded to last week's Fiscally Fit column, which looked at the growing number of firms that are using health-insurance surcharges and other financial penalties to push employees to adopt healthier lifestyles. Education is a better tactic by health care companies. Obama smokes, New Jersey's Governor's fat and neither pays anything for health care since both work for the government. E) Probably not. Health insurance companies continue to hike premiums and co-pays unfettered. The risk is based on numerous factors such as, lifestyle and genetics. Hate to be a bearer of bad tidings, but you have to put yourself in their shoes. Yes. But not enough employees have signed up or improved their health. But that's a story for another day. Because many companies self-insure - meaning they pay for health care. Overall, smokers pay 14% more for health insurance premiums than non-smokers. Want a weekly round-up in your inbox? cy from arlington, va. Well you ask for my opinion!!". Increasingly, companies are answering yes, and asking smokers to pay higher health insurance premiums than their non-smoking colleaguesor even not hiring them altogether. Let's take smokers. People that get speeding tickets and get into automobile accidents pay more for their car insurance. As a person who is living large, I can tell you that I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have diabetes, my knees and back are fine. it's supply and demand folks: are you sick of paying higher and higher healthcare costs? We are delighted that you'd like to resume your subscription. Nonprofit hospitals increasingly rely on philanthropy to supplement decreasing clinical revenues and a decline in the growth of government research funding. The key difference between life insurance for smokers and non-smokers is the likelihood of being accepted and the cost. Charging people rates based on their personal risks protects insurance companies against moral hazard, people taking risks without bearing the consequences. At the same time, skinny non-smokers should pay half. See where I'm going with this. When an uninsured smoker gets emergently sick, that means hospitals and clinicians dont get reimbursed, which forces them to pass those costs on to people with insurance. The national average premium paid by a smoker in our survey was $213 per month. Yes, I think they should be part of any risk pool their state has. Establishing a compliant wellness program with a smoking cessation program and alternative mechanisms for some smokers, are key components of any decision to impose a differential. As word spreads what the changes. Being a smoker, obese, unhealthy is a choice. Oh cool! We all souldn't have to pay for their addictions. It would be ironicand tragicif charging smokers higher health insurance rates prevented them from accessing services that could help them stop smoking. Whether you're a current smoker or in the process of quitting, you can save money on your private health cover by comparing policies. If you drive an expensive or exotic car you pay more for insurance. So it's additional incentive to stop smoking. Jack, the answer is simple. If smokers opt out of health insurance this could have a detrimental impact on their access to health care and negatively impact their health and well-being. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. STAY CONNECTED WITH THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN HEALTH, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Wall-Mart charges smokers more than any other company. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Although smoking has yet to be identified as a disability, it often does involve attendant health issues that are disabilities, and a court might accept a claim on the theory that a smoker was regarded as being disabled. As a smoker you could face paying up to $500 a month for the company health plan. This cost is passed to the people who purchase insurance and pay providers. I think popular Cable News Personalities should pay more for Health Care. Smokers, yes. Thanks Jack! The health insurance surcharge applies to users of all types of tobacco, including pipes, cigars, cigarettes and chewing tobacco. No. How about stupid people, they are always doing dumb things to get themselves hurt. The illnesses caused by smoking are unspeakably cruel and medical costs are out of sight. But I am willing to compromise. It reality, I think the insurance companies are just pushing employers to do their dirty work for them and at the same time increase their profits. The availability of products compared may change from time to time. Sure, why not, soon we will be charge for the air we breath, for eating too much, for raising your voice, for drive around and maybe for having lots of kids like china, I don't see why not, in a bad economy, we always have room for a new law, you know, we you're you're down, that is when you get attacked. But should smokers pay more for health insurance? ABSOLUTELY! Get free updates delivered free to your inbox. Third, some might argue that incentivizing smokers to quit is unjustified, paternalistic interference in personal autonomy. yes. Hey this reminds me of car insurance. Do you honestly think that the tax money that government recieves from cigarette sales is somehow going back to the lobbyists who were probably arguing and lobbying against taxes? Health insurance companies are beginning to act more and more like banks. they need to be taught a lesson. This should be pro-rated, if you need more insurance you should pay more. But such surcharges are misguided. Our wired & web connected society has turned us into a society of couch potatos, and it's only getting worse. First, the surcharge makes insurance more expensive, meaning it is harder for people to afford. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A study of 20,000 employees showed that smokers had more hospital visits per 1,000 (124 versus 76), had a longer average length of stay (6.5 versus 5 days) and made six more visits to health care facilities per year than non-smokers. If costs for health care keep on the path they are going, at some point my company is not going to be able to afford to provide us with health care, so if that can help, so be it. Tobacco use is using any tobacco product an average of four or more times a week within the last six months. If they can pay for their smoking, there is no way they can not pay for their additional cost of their own health care, if they can kill them selves with money why to be burden other people who lives healthy life style. Do not use a strange doctor for the facts, use a local doctor in town to spread the facts about obesity. I assume the people who will have the biggest issue with the proposal will be the very people engaging in unhealthy behavior because, if you're a healthy individual, why would you possibly oppose this? 2 out of 3 Australians thinks so. IF you were an employer, and you've got applications from people who has the same Job qualifications, but some applicants are obese, and / or a smoker . I think our government should ban smoking. Another incentive. I'm very fortunate to have medical after retirement(albeit, we all paid for it while working). Still it is also likely an acceptable wellness program would provide some insulation from such outcomes. As for being overweight, it doesn't cost anything to walk either in the mornings or evenings, and staying away from the dingdongs and cheezypoofs might help as well. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to man and counseling a patient to quit smoking is one of the most impactful services a doctor can provide. Watch The Biggest Loser TV show and you will see that morbidly obese people can and do lose weight when they eat less and exercise more. What is a creepy fact about the human body? Well, it sounds like a good idea but what yard stick would be used to determined to measure fatness or does smoking medical weed count. For example, a 40-year-old nonsmoking female and a 40-year-old smoking female would pay the same premium for the same policy. Although smoking is not identified as a health factor, nicotine addiction has been identified as a medical condition. One commenter mentioned there being an extra tax on cigarettes in certain countries that went towards their universal healthcare fund. Texas has delayed the release of the full report of the most up-to-date data on maternal health, further threatening the health of marginalized women, children, and families. But in that set of a high premium group lets include heavy drinkers, druggies, risky life style adrenaline junkies and anyone who even has a habit of driving fast on public streets. I don't smoke and am about 10lbs overweight. It is a fact that if you leave an unhealthy lifestyle, your lifespan will be shorten and costlier. Yes, absolutely, as far as hurting poor people the most, have you seen the price of cigarettes lately, junk food isn't cheap either. I think educating them is. is this what we want to teach our kids? Why wouldn't they increase premiums for women who's mothers or grandmothers had breast cancer or if you have an increased risk of heart disease because of family history. But I understand there are higher priorities, like spying on Americans by capturing their phone calls, e-mail, text messages and who knows what else for scrutiny by NSA, and invasive TSA searches and who knows what else? A disproportionate number of tobacco users, particularly smokers, are racial minorities and come from low-income and less-educated households, according to the American Cancer Society. Of course anyone that eats fast food, or any fried or unhealthy food would need to pay more. How about a history of premature births or child development problems in the family? Smoking and obesity is a free choice. Although studies have shown that monetary incentives can influence smoking cessation, these studies have involved giving smokers monetary rewards to stop smoking and have not examined the effects of charging smokers health insurance rates. I am already paying a $25 per week surcharge to my insurance carrier due to smoking. Again explain to me why this is a bad thing. Not only should they pay higher costs through employment, but they should fund true universal health care with a $3 or more tax on each pack of cigarettes. Weston gives this example: Say, for instance, your health insurance benefits cost the company $1,000 a month. Walmart should set up 'Fat free' zones preferably in parking lots which are devoid of unhealthy foods, treats etc and deny the too chubbies entry into the regular food zones inside their stores. Talk to your doctor. We are all dollar signs to them without faces or names just like they begin charging for baggage with the airlines they will never stop charging us as long as people need anything. While the intent behind his call is well-intended, it is based on a flawed premise. I dont buy the poor people cant afford to get healthy line because we are the only country in the world where the impoverished are obese. You may cancel your subscription at anytime by calling It's only logical, but in liberal politics logic doesn't prevail. Insurance you should pay half subscription at anytime by calling it 's getting... Companies against moral hazard, people taking risks without bearing the consequences insurance companies are beginning to more. Am about 10lbs overweight how visitors interact with the website medicine we are delighted that you dont what quietly away! To help them stop smoking insurance industry unexpectedly began to support a plan for universal health companies... 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