Use the following lines or your own sheet of paper to write six sentences that practice each basic sentence pattern. The Guardian - Film. I think one interpretation would be to jump straight to the differences in the meaning of life, or what "matters" in life, but I think the first question to answer would be how each side interprets the question: I feel like the American students interpret "greatest worry" as something we're scared of, something we fear. 63 37 Advertisement I don't think that your answers (the French) are way less general than ours. "I will be keeping you in my thoughts, and holding you in my heart." This goes back to the idea on the word, individualism discussed in another forum. 2. Ensuite, heureusement en France nous avons la CAF, le RSA, la scurit sociale, l'allocation chmage (for our american friends : those are benefits), etc qui permettent de s'en sortir quand on n'a pas de travail, mais aux US je pense que la vie n'est pas facile quand on n'a pas de travail pendant des priodes prolonges, me trompes-je ? En effet, je pense qu'il est diffcile pour nous (d'aprs notre parcours scolaire) d'tre proccup par des problmes comme la diminution des liberts personnelles puisque pour le moment, en tout cas pour moi, ce sont mes tudes qui m'accaparent le plus mon esprit (et les autres problmes lis au quotidien). Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. My impression of these responses are that Americans determine the value of their lives by money and, to a degree, marriage, whereas the French do so by means of their familial relationships and how they are viewed by those around them (in terms of politeness and courtesy). This is a very small sample size, but I wonder if the difference between the French and American responses would be true if a large group had responded to these questions. The sentence will be followed by a three-year term of court-ordered supervision, and Ellis will be required to pay $812,259 in restitution. is settling - with my relationship with God, friends, family, with ambition and my future. In Australia alone, 2 million people will suffer from anxiety in any one year. What else are you afraid of? is that I will not be able to figure out what I really want to do after graduating. You shouldn't worry about your weight. Ou plutt moins exigeants ? thing that comes into your head. I will marry someone who I'm not in love with, la restriction des liberts individuelles, la pollution de notre plante, mon avenir, les autres, However, I noticed something else. I mentioned that French students seem to care about "mes etudes" more than American students. Both sides discuss relatively "selfish" things, but the nature of these things are different: as Danielle and Sasha have said, the Americans mention failure and happiness a lot, while the French mention studies and the future. In addition, while the Americans do stress individualism, I don't think this means that they don't worry about their friends, family, peers, and so forth. I am very far from home and only get to visit about twice a year. Il semblerait que la proccupation majeure des tudiants, qu'ils soient amricains ou franais, soit l'emploi et ensuite seulement, la famille. that I will not be happy with where I end up in life. Throughout the US, i don't belive that the majority of the answeres would match the MIT students' responses. Is your degree the most important piece of the application? My greatest joy is in dreaming of the day when we shall meet again. Is that we'll start losing our humanity to the likes of "social" media. 574 146 Don't worry about him. However, while the French also mentioned these to some extent, I felt they mentioned global and national issues more than us. I was least worried about the examination. D'aprs ce que j'ai constat, les lves de MIT et de l'ENSEIRB ont peur d'chouer dans leurs vies prive et professionelle. vivre ma vie avec ceux que j'aime et essayer de les rendre toujours souriants. These words are often used together. I find the comment about Americans being less "altruistic" based on their fears very interesting. The reasons why this would be my biggest fear is as follows. About 10 million bagels are . @Kristyn: I agree; students here also lack industrial experience (apart from internships and co-ops). Dans plus de 50% des cas, les lves sont embauchs dans l'entreprise o ils ont fait leur stage ! B) believe the greatest worry . 'sure, Tom, ' Johnny said. The greatest worry is licensed water for businesses. There is no real reason to worry. 0 As maid of honor, Julie really wanted to toast her sister at the wedding and participate in all of the festivities but was worried about possibly passing on any alcohol to her baby. "the "protective net" that (supposedly) exists in France but is missing in the USA (any "protective mechanism" is labeled as "socialism" these day). Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days, 2014-2023 Ludwig S.R.L.S. One thing I noticed is that the American responses were in general lengthier than the French ones. The Americans interpreted it to be "At the moment, I am most afraid that" whereas the French thought it to be "I care most about" Were these qusetions posed separately, I think that we would have seen a good deal of difference. In the states some people are interested in the same thing there parents do. It seems like the French are more present-thinking and optimistic than we are - is that true? One thing that I noticed, was that very few people had worries about people or things other than themselves. But dont you . That said, I think everyone in the US genuinely fears the larger and universal things like inequality, war, and poverty, but without the means for direct control, we choose to push those worries to the back of our minds and focus on the tasks at hand. How much do you value your studies? There's so much stress in people's lives that it can't help but take its toll on marriages. is that I will not accomplish what I have set to accomplish. It was really interesting to see the cultural differences in the responses to this question! Ce que je vais pouvoir faire une fois mes tudes termines. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, Those areas which are not in the profitable areas are the, Testing at the age of seven seems to be the, I may say that this is a matter which is causing me the, If it is wrongly fixed, it will cause the greatest inconvenience and the, Given his own recognition of the tremendous value of our universities and the high international standards that they set, that must be a cause for the, We have heard again since that time that the company's, Many inmates have told me that they become far more accomplished criminals during their term of internmentand this is my. We have a lot to figure out in terms of careers/future jobs. It was also interesting how the ENSEIRB students spoke of their personal concerns, particularly relationships. Do the French agree that the translations differ? 2. Consequently, we worry that our current experience will not allow us to fulfill those ambitions :). mon avenir. Nous, franais, semblons plus terre--terre. 4 Huffington Post Le dernier dure 6 8 mois, la fin de ce stage, on a une soutenance, et notre diplme (si tout se passe bien). So I wonder if the responses would be different if the sentence in french used the verb "s'inquiter" instead of the verb "se proccuper". _undertoad 2957060 Tom is annoyed with Mary. @Victor, je pense comme Jean-Michael que nous avons les mmes ambitions, mais personnellement j'ai le sentiment qu'une carrire professionnelle russie n'est pas forcment synonyme de bonheur, il faut savoir quilibrer avec d'autres aspects de la vie. My greatest worry is can I give my baby a decent life. This is reflected in many other areas that we have discussed so far (e.g. Bien sr que la famille et les amis sont importants. -- The French were a lot more worried about their actual jobs/schooling, while we were more worried, I would say, about finding happiness in our job/future situation. worry about something Levels of worry about crime had fallen by a third. Is this because Americans are more culturally willing to talk about their worries? les conflits mondiaux. Jamie, nous nous intressons beaucoup aux tudes car comme tu as pu le voir, en France, les diplmes sont importants; je ne suis pas d'accord avec Elodie qui dit que mme avec peu de diplmes, on trouve du travail en France: si on regarde les catgories de personnes qui restent le plus longtemps au chmage, on trouve celles qui ont le moins de diplmes. Examples of how to use the word greatest in a sentence. I agree with you, Amina. 3. That's a very common sentiment at MIT where receiving an education becomes a test of physical and emotional capacity as well as mental. is to do what is truly right for me. I do think it's interesting that the French seem more concerned with their loved ones than we do (based solely on our responses). from the Cambridge English Dictionary is that I won't find a job that I like. is not being able to survive in this world. Mais sans travail, pas d'argent, pas de foyer, aucune satisfaction personnelle, aucune interaction avec la socit (hors amis/famille). He is in, in my opinion, still the greatest teacher of the power of our own thoughts. In the United States, my impression of most Americans is that most people seem to constantly be worried about the state of things right now, particularly with the recent recession. I no longer need to worry about money. As a result, a lot of Americans worry greatly about their futures, their careers, etc, rather than respond to such a question with, "I worry about someone else.". In response to Emilie's comment, we talked about this in class and it seems that the wording does change the response a lot. est ma capacit prouver mes comptences pour trouver de bons stages et ensuite un bon emploi. You should ring up your mother, for she must be worried. the subject reflects his own wishes, desires, fears and attitudes in the sentences he makes. I won't reach the expectations of others and, most importantly, of myself. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Annoy" in Example Sentences Page 2. is that I won't be able to live the way I imagine, as it is easy to think of something, but harder to execute the action. These words are often used together. 2 We walked slowly, even happiness are worried. to lose my family. I think there is a difference beyond semantics. to not have control over my own life, to not be able to contribute to this world, to be without friends and family, whether or not I will become the person I want to be. From the Hansard archive But the greatest worry about disclosure of information is that people will treat forward planning too seriously and take up positions. We would be more likely to "my future career concerns me the most" than say "my greatest worry is my future career". We had an interesting discussion in class about semantics of the question. Considering other responses in other forums that seem to suggest that French people have a stronger, more cohesive sense of national and cultural identity, is it possible that French people think more about issues that affect the whole community because they value the group more and feel a stronger sense of belonging? I wonder if this possibly caused some discrepancies between the responses. Ma rponse est courte mais le divorce est accept par la socit mais elle n'en abuse pas. Or maybe these issues are more widely discussed in France or people keep up with the news more; I hardly ever read the news, so I feel that my concerns are mostly about me, not the society as a whole. I think the individual attitude is so expressed because we feel it is our responsibility to make things happen for us. c'est peut-tre une des raisons pour lesquelles vous autres amricains pensez tellement au travail, nous avons un systme de protection sociale qui, mme s'il n'est plus aussi avantageux qu'avant, nous protge, alors que vous Mais est-ce que cela a chang avec Obama? "Its not a contest about whose days suck the most. The greatest power is often simple patience. is to get through the programming classes, find time for sleep. Yes, in class we found it difficult to get the wording exactly right Another comment - in class, we were having a different discussion about cafe culture in Francethat people go there to just sit and relax, to enjoy a beverage and not worry about anything for a short while. Not only does this relieve some of the stress about students deciding what they wish to do with their lives, it also means that employers will go to specific subsets of students to look for employees, meaning less, more concentrated competition for the jobs pertinent to your studies. 76 32 He held the ruler of the greatest kingdom at his mercy! Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. We are worried about you future. In fact, I see the word "future" at least three times in French answers which is pretty general. As far as the diploma, an MIT degree gives a lot of students an advantage over other applicants simply because MIT is known as one of the top schools in the country. The greatest confusion and bewilderment prevailed. Les amricains semblent tous inquits pour leur futur et fin de vie. Looking at the French responses closely, I do agree with Mariya that some French students may have interpreted the sentence differently. philanthropy, effectiveness, volunteerism. 173 104 Advertisement As previously stated however, the variation in answers might've had a lot to do with the wording/translation. The Word "Heart" in Example Sentences - Page 1 Study vocabulary in context. Therefore, bringing that aspect to as diverse a campus as MIT, this effect is augmented to the point where one's goals revolve around bringing about major changes to society/infrustructure but ultimately as an expression of self-importance. I belive both are quite similar in that aspect. On March 13th 1943 Goebbels mentioned that: "air warfare is at present our greatest worry". "Je suppose que pour pouvoir se proccuper du bonheur des autres il faut d'abord passer par le sien ?". I think it is a tough topic to discuss and identify, because it is just the surface of a much deeper question, what is the meaning of life? :P. As Laurence stated, we are concerned with the future and success because we are students looking to enter into the world. (1820) don't you in the front row worry or anything. If not for fear of something, would anyone accomplish anything? Click on the links below to explore the meanings. You don't have to worry about doing the math yourself to calculate your odds of winning. is that I won't get a job, I will fail a class, or that something bad to happen to one of my family or friends. pour l'instant est ma russite professionelle. This is my impression from reading the news and seeing media online and on tv. to end up homeless or not being able to support myself, being alone and not enjoying what I do with my life. I thought the way the answers were phrased on the American and French sides were very interesting. You don't need to worry about me anymore. that I am always looking forward to something and maybe someday I will come to the realization that I did not enjoy my life as I lived it. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I just wish he would have been a little more supportive. In spite of the difficulties of predicting future trends in world trade, we can specify factors that will be important. to lose my freedom and live in a world where hatred and lack or rationality are predominant over acceptance and logic. . I find it very interesting that the French students featured their worries about war, poverty, and famine, along with the threat of U.S. dominance, while the American responses were more introverted. Pay attention to the words, grammar and sentence structure in your answers.1. The point is we all have to put up with the bad days.". Pour les employeurs, si par exemple nous passons plusieurs annes sans emploi, notre diplme n'aura plus, ou que trs peu d'intrt par rapport si nous enchanons les boulots depuis notre sortie de l'cole. As for the French responses, I do not know how different they might be. For me, for instance, to lose my job will not be that scary as to be alone or away form the people I love. Back in my day, we didn't worry about self-esteem or agonize over feelings. P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445, On March 13th 1943 Goebbels mentioned that: "air warfare is at present our, Ludwig does not simply clarify my doubts with English writing, it enlightens my writing with new possibilities. Studies and how they will affect their futures are things that worry everyone. I completely agree with you Johanna that there are sentiments for the fear of failure and not succeeding in the U.S. Quand je parle de la peur de l'avenir, je voulais exactement dire pareil que toi: avoir peur de rester seul ou perdre les gens que tu aimes. There is nothing wrong with general answers. 6. L'avenir est une preocupation plus importante pour les francais? On the other hand, from a brief glimpse of one of the contraband forums on the bottom of the page, the responses to "my greatest fear" from the French were also more to do with their interactions with other people than with their personal success: for example, being alone. You become light-hearted and full of joy. Many French students wrote about things that do not pertain to themselves (les inegalites dans le monde, avenir de la planete, la liberte dans le monde, etc). that I will be unable to help my family. 1) personnellement je ne pense pas qu'il y ait des diffrences d'ambition, mais peut-tre que nous sommes moins inquits (mme si cela me semble trange, avec les mdias anxiognes - mais peut-tre un effet pervers est justement de nous dsintresser des problmes du monde cause du trop grand nombre de crises ?) 2/ Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais nous devons effectuer un stage par an (donc 3 stages) de plus en plus long. About crime had fallen by a third have interpreted the sentence will be important in general lengthier the! Le divorce est accept par la socit mais elle n'en abuse pas impression from reading the news seeing... Had fallen by a three-year term of court-ordered supervision, and Ellis will be by. 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