PLUS: This Is Our First Look at the Air Forces Secret New Fighter Jet. The U.S. Government Is Investigating UFOs That Arent Man-Made, Congressional Report Says, All the Insane Surveillance Tools the Government (Maybe) Has, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, never formally acknowledged by the Department of Defense, How to Make a Bluetooth Speaker Out of Just About Anything, confirmation that the videos were taken by Navy pilots, Scientists Are Pretty Sure They Found a Portal to the Fifth Dimension, government is in possession of off-world vehicles, The Radioactive Diamond Battery That Will Run For 28,000 Years, install radioactive isotope Pu-238 powered sensors, large dark mass, circular in shape, descend towards the surface, fleet of military-trained dolphins from Russia, The Army Found a Way to Keep Your Hands Warm Without Gloves, Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program, This Is Our First Look at the Air Forces Secret New Fighter Jet, top-secret United States Air Force initiative. Also find news, photos and videos on Government Secret Files + TOI TimesPoints. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. Although the Air Force shut down the program in 1969, the government continued to record encounters. Both men witnessed a large dark mass, circular in shape, descend towards the surface when they were attempting to hook the torpedoand both swear it wasnt a submarine. Two major breaches last year of U.S. government databases holding personnel records and security-clearance files exposed sensitive information about at least 22.1 million people, including not. January 10, 2023 1:00 AM EST. They called it "enhanced interrogation techniques," but according to a Senate Report released in 2014, the CIA has possibly been engaged in wrongful torture of suspected criminals for years. Jan. 10, 2023. One of them was Wernher von Braun, the chief rocket engineer of the Third Reich and Walter Schreiber, the German Armys wartime chief of medical science who authorized dangerous experiments on humans. (8/9/22), Ep. that indicate a potential adversarial foreign government may have achieved a breakthrough aerospace capability. After a successful mission in 1966, all of this information was used to create a warning receiver to prevent the SA-2 missiles from hitting their aircrafts. Retired Navy Commander David Fravor recalled an unusual experience that can only be described as terrifying. Their saucer-shaped aircraft, which they never got around to completing, would have been capable of shooting down enemy bombers and flying at ridiculously fast speeds. Rating: False. But in 2008, a BBC investigation revealed that one of the nukes was maaaaaaaybe still in Greenland somewhere. The CIA noted that the project was particularly productive in identifying contacts of the newsmenincluding senators, members of Congress, and other well-placed individuals.. The United States and India came together for a joint mission in the 1960s that, if successful, would monitor Chinas nuclear development. What really goes on there is anybody's guess, but the guest list has included U.S. presidents and oil barons, and activities have included everything from druid worship to planning for the Manhattan Project. While UpGuard noted that the virtual hard drive with six partitions and OS could be browsed, most of the data could not be accessed without connecting to Pentagon systems. Popular Mechanics participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Here are key things to know about how the classification system works. It shows how a contract was awarded to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BLASS) for $12 million - notably the only contractor to bid for the work - to study "advanced aerospace weapon threats from the present out to 40 years in the future". Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. And for more great trivia, check out the 28 most enduring myths in American history. The invention, although never completed, was intended to be nuclear- powered so they could stay in the air for up to a month. Last year, the Pentagon released its long awaited report into what it knows about a series of mysterious flying objects that have been observed in military airspaces over the last two decades. Considered the first covert CIA operation of the entire Cold War, Operation Gold sought to tap Soviet lines of communication at their military headquarters in Berlin. AATIP was a secretive Pentagon programme that ran between 2007 and 2012 to study UFOs. Washington CNN The US government has a formal system of protecting information that, if disclosed, could hurt national security. The government has for over 50 years been illegally prosecuting people in connection with income taxes in violation of both its taxing powers as contained in the Constitution, and the actual laws as contained in the Internal Revenue Code itself. Hur is authorized "to investigate whether any person or entity violated the law in connection with this matter," Garland said in a public statement he made on the appointment at the Department of Justice. ", 2022 Galvanized Media. The mysterious dark mass (that wasnt a submarine). No top secret documents were recovered in Wilmington, per CBS. It was outed by former intelligence official turned whistleblower Luis Elizondo, who headed up the programme, back in 2017. These government files are part of a larger collection of records that discuss the nature, reach, and use of secret Presidential Emergency Action Documents: these are executive orders,. appreciated. We'll help you make sense of it alljoin Pop Mech Pro. No one could have accused the U.S. government of having discriminatory hiring practices in 1945. Copyright 2023 IDG Communications, Inc. CSO provides news, analysis and research on security and risk management, 12 famous (and infamous) IT security disasters, Sqrrl ferrets out network traffic anomalies to find hidden threats, Sponsored item title goes here as designed, Build an ultra-secure Microsoft Exchange Server. From the FBIs file on Bigfoot to the CIAs covert dragonfly, sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction. Although its declassified now, the government ran a top-secret training program during the Cold War known as the Constant Peg program. An unclassified object was caught on film in 2018. Penelope Keith delves into the written archives of the BBC uncovering letters revealing some of the secrets behind famous television programmes and some of the corporations most popular artists. Sauber disclosed Thursday that a second batch of documents had been found in Biden's Delaware home. Gear-obsessed editors choose every product we review. And the report - prepared for the DIA - warns that such objects may be a "threat to United States interests". After the previous program marked nearly 23 percent of UFO cases unexplained, it became the mission of Project Bluebook to debunk UFO inquiries and make them go away. By Bob Larkin November 29, 2017 Fact: there's definitely a lot our government isn't telling us. But the government secrets lying beneath the hotels west wing remained secret for 30 years. The CIA used secret drones against Soviet SA-2 missiles. The dolphins were originally trained by the Soviet Union to kill and attack enemy ships. UFOs and werewolves could actually exist in our world and that our government has kept it a secret? Biden's team also later informed the DOJ of an "additional . Need to get something off your chest? } else { There are technical standards that need to be met before a room or building can be designated as a SCIF, said Mudd. Personally, we're glad they went with the "one small step for man" plan instead. While it seems to be a massive oversight, the documents were not deemed official and the WSFC did not return requests for comment. 1. It hasnt even been two weeks since news broke of UpGuard finding unsecured Amazon S3 buckets for CENTCOM and PACOM, which contained dozens of terabytes of data about a military-sponsored web monitoring program. } The subdomain name of INSCOM for the bucket would make the value of the information clear to malicious actors or foreign intelligence services. The CIA spy plane was attacked with a thrown spear, and the event was even included in President Trumans briefing. However, the big secret of the protected base is that there are no aliens there. The National Archives just released more than 2,800 previously classified records relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, sparking a feeding frenzy among historians and. There are secret bunkers literally everywhere. The shuttle never officially launched and the pro gram was shut down in 1969. Here are the government secrets the U.S. has tried to keep from its citizens, and what we do (and don't) know about them so far. Meghan graduated from Marist College with a Bachelor of Arts in English in 2017; her creative nonfiction piece Anticipation was published in the Spring 2017 issue of Angles literary magazine. The Navy isn't telling. She was injured on the set of "The Good Wife. #108 Deep Dive into Luis Elizondos DoD Inspector General Complaint (8/26/22), Ep. Gear-obsessed editors choose every product we review. The report, released on the website of the Office of the Director for National Intelligence, examined 144 reports of encounters with what the government deemed "unidentified aerial phenomenon.". The data contained in the bucket was not protected with a password even though classified sections indicated Top Secret and NOFORN material. The A-12 Oxcart aircraft tested at Area 51. The Sun Online first requested a copy of all "files, reports or video files" related to the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP) on December 18, 2017. } ); Discovery Company. The 75-year-old tech mogul is reported to have taken his own life in prison in Barcelona on Wednesday just hours after it was announced that he would be extradited to the US on tax evasion charges following years on the run with his wife Janice.. According to the declassified files, Dr. John G. Trump reported that his analysis showed Tesla's efforts to be "primarily of a speculative, philosophical and promotional character" and said the. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { However, a Washington State Fusion Center official did accidentally share diagrams about these subjects with a journalist in 2018. The US government has a formal system of protecting information that, if disclosed, could hurt national security. A memo from March 13, 1962, delivered to the president by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and dubbed Operation Northwoods, suggested ways to justify a military conflict with the Castro's communist regime, including "Sink (a) ship near harbor entrance. The files were originally discovered by American troops at Schloss Marburg in Germany in May of 1945. Some. #109 The Reaction to My Deep Dive Into Luis Elizondos IG Complaint (8/30/22), Ep. Rep. Mike Turner, the incoming chair of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that Republicans will seek the FBI's "secret files" of contacts in Big Tech and the media and are willing. Multiple locks may be required, for example, and access to the room is restricted to people with specific security clearances. Security-Classified Decimal Files [Joint American Military Mission for Aid to Turkey; Decimal File, 1947-53 {Unclassified Through Secret Decimal Correspondence File, 1947-53}] Classified Program Records [Oak Ridge Operations Office Program Records, Series 31 & 33, and the Office Diary of Lieutenant Colonel Earl H. Marsden, 1945 - 1987] These astrological signs know how to read the room and trust their gut. Got a confidential news tip? #113 DoD Refuses To Release Key Documents On UFO Office; Cites National Security Interest (9/22/22), Ep. In said program, U.S. pilots trained with the MiG jetsformer Soviet fighter jets. Fact: there's definitely a lot our government isn't telling us. A huge swathe of coronavirus documents used by the Government to battle to pandemic have yet to be published to avoid 'unnecessary confusion' of the public, the Government claimed today. 20 U.S. Government Secrets They Don't Want You to Know, Wikimedia Commons/US Department of Energy. PLUS: A Particle Just Did Something That Changed the Nature of Reality, Inside the Worst Dam Break in U.S. History, U.S. Will Send Sea Sparrow Missiles to Ukraine, Best Electric Stoves for Efficient Cooking, Declassified Treasure Map Reveals Hidden Nazi Gold, The Navy Will Shoot Ballistics at 9,000 MPH, Gurkhas Are the Fiercest Fighters on the Planet, DARPA Wants to Power Military Bases with Lasers, U.S. Army Is Rolling Out AR Goggles For Soldiers, This Smoke Could Make U.S. You can read Marilyn Monroe's FBI file online, not to mention your own The Vault, an FBI reading room of more than 6,700 documents, contains details of investigations into Marilyn Monroe, Dick. The shelter was built in the 60s specifically for members of Congress, just in case Russia bombed us and a nuclear winter made the country uninhabitable. Government ordered to release secret pandemic planning files. Meghan Jones is a word nerd who has been writing for since 2017. There were a lot of crazy attempts to assassinate Cuban dictator Fidel Castro during the 70s, from booby-trapped cigars to poison milkshakes, but none quite so nutty as the exploding seashell. By classifying information, the government restricts who can see the documents and where he or she can see them. When a U.S. B-52 bomber carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed in Greenland in 1968, the government acted fast to make sure all the radioactive material was recovered. 330-331. T he Justice Department is reviewing the discovery of classified documents in a private office used by Joe Biden between the end of his vice presidency in 2017 and . To make matters worse for the CIA, thieves broke into the company that built the ship and stole some secret documents related to the project. In response to Fidel Castros burgeoning dictatorship and the failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) circulated a memo on March 13, 1962, with the subject line Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba. In the missive, the JCS outlined suggestions to provoke Cuba such as Start rumors (many), Sink ship near harbor entrance. The system can apply to documents regarding intelligence activities, foreign relations, military plans and programs for safeguarding nuclear materials, for example. Some of the materials recovered from Trumps Florida home were marked as Top Secret SCI. The FBI recovered documents that were labeled "top secret" from former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, according to court papers released Friday after a federal judge . In the 1990s, he was assigned to retrieve BQM aerial target drones and submarine telemetry torpedoes from the ocean. He called the risk from third-party vendors the silent killer for cyber resilience. In this case, the transfer of data to the contractor Invertix, which has now merged into a new corporation called Altamira Technologies, opened the Defense Department to the consequences of a breach even though the DoD did not have full oversight of how the data was handled. "Adhering to this process means that any disclosure regarding documents cannot be conclusive until the government has conducted its inquiry, including taking possession of any documents and reviewing any surrounding material for further review and context," Bauer said. The Geneva Convention stated Christmas care packages were allowed to be delivered to POWs, which is how the decks of cards went undetected. Finally after more than four years, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) released more than 1,500 documents. Video taken by Navy pilots showing interactions with unidentified aerial phenomena. This time around, Vickery discovered the misconfigured S3 bucket that would allow anyone entering the URL to view the repository located at the AWS subdomain inscom; it contained 47 viewable files and folders, three of which were freely downloadable. No other information about the fighter jet has been releasedother than the fact that its here and, supposedly, breaking records. Type above and press Enter to search. The Government Secrets Trump Is About to Discover - POLITICO Magazine Illustration by Mark Weaver The Friday Cover The Government Secrets Trump Is About to Discover From spy planes to. The Pantsir S-1 is a low-altitude air defense system, mounted on the back of a military truck. While many are concerned over Irans nuclear capabilities, the military is also keeping a watchful eye on its sea. The world was shocked when a leaked video of an unidentified aerial phenomenon appeared in 2020but the government was far less surprised, as they knew about the footage for two years. 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